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Billy presented us with severely worn and discolored teeth. Notice that his crown did not wear at the same rate and it now appears longer. Also notice that his teeth are now darker than his crown (years ago it was perhaps, a closer match, but teeth darken with time).


Billy’s treatment was six all ceramic restorations on the top and four on the bottom teeth. This restored his teeth to their original length helping protect him from further wear problems.


Dawn presented us with discolored tooth filling material and a space between her front teeth. Notice how the edges of her front teeth form a flat line.


For Dawn we first whitened all her teeth then placed four all ceramic veneers on her front teeth closing the space and lengthening them to make the nice smile line that you now see.



Heather is eighteen but she felt her teeth made her look less mature. She had her space closed with braces, but as you can see, it relapsed.


To give heather a more mature look we lengthened her lateral incisors (the teeth beside the two front teeth), closed the space between her two front teeth, and softened the appearance of her eye teeth. We did all this work without any tooth reshaping. This entire smile was done by bonding and sculpting tooth color filling material.



Jane presented us with severe wear, also, her natural teeth did not match her crowns on her two front teeth. Notice that the crowns are now too light and they are wider than they are long (a tooth proportion problem). Also notice that the teeth beside the crowns are too short.


Jane’s case is complex because we couldn’t increase the length of the two front teeth due to a deep bite problem. To achieve the proper portions we did laser enhancement of the gum tissue, i.e. reshaped the gum tissue with a diode laser. Then lengthened the teeth next to the crowns and replaced the crowns. A total of six restorations were placed on her top front teeth.



Jeff presented us with multiple stained and leaking tooth color fillings.


For Jeff we simply replaced his existing restorations with new ones.



John has a common problem of many people – one dark tooth. He was also beginning to have significant wear on the tooth adjacent to the dark tooth. Also notice that his crowns on the bottom teeth don’t match. In this case they are too dark, because John hasn’t been using our office’s home whitening kit that we recommended prior to treatment. Also notice that his eye tooth on his right side (on the photo’s left side) is perhaps a bit too pointy.


John’s case is a combination of two veneers on the top two front teeth, a bonded tooth color filling on the pointy eye tooth to soften the sharpness of it, and four all ceramic restorations on the lower teeth.



Lynn came to our office with severe wear. So much so, that that one tooth simply wore off at the gum line. She knew that she absolutely did not want dentures – she’s seen her friends struggle with them, and that was not for her. Lynn wanted to keep her natural teeth.


It was quite a complex endeavor to restore her mouth. Since there was not enough tooth above the gum line we had a gum specialist do a procedure called “crown lengthening” this gave us more tooth structure above the gum with which to work. Nearly all top and bottom teeth were restored with all ceramic restorations. In other words, nearly her whole mouth was rehabilitated. Approximately twenty teeth were restored.



Mozelle also came to our office with severely worn teeth. Notice how the edges of her top front teeth make a reverse curve (the opposite of a smile). She didn’t want to watch her teeth deteriorate any more and she didn’t want dentures. The Deal: Mozelle has taken care of her husband for more than fifty years and new that the restoration would be a large investment. She approached her husband in this way: Who do you love more, me or those cows?


Mozelle’s treatment included restoration of the entire top and bottom front teeth. Approximately sixteen teeth were restored.



Thela is a retired businesswoman and artist, a very active community leader. She rarely has time for herself because she is continually doing for others. Thela noticed that her front teeth were no longer straight and we both noticed that all of her existing dentistry was had out lived its usefulness. Every tooth needed some type of treatment.


Thela’s treatment was quite extensive. Dentists refer to this as “full mouth rehabilitation” that is, all teeth were restored with some type of restoration. We were able to restore Thela’s smile with all ceramic non-metal restorations giving her function and aesthetics.



Tina had very pointy eye teeth and crowding. With six all ceramic veneer restorations we were able to give her a softer appearance and lessen the crowding.

Interesting Note

Tina is very anxious about ever having any dental treatment, let alone something as involved as a smile make-over. However, she was able to overcome her fears and have her work completed.